Semiconductor Device Fabrication Lab

Prof. Andrew Sarangan
University of Dayton
(937) 229-3190

Nano-Fab Education

Our group has been actively engaged in educational and outreach activities on nanofabrication. We had an NSF-NUE grant to develop nanotechnology courses at the undergraduate level. We also collaboratively worked with Sinclair Community College (Dayton, OH) to introduce new courses in nanotechnology. Most notably, we developed an innovative method to bring cleanroom demonstrations to the classroom using a mobile platform with two-way video and audio to connect different institutions and/or classrooms.

Nanotechnology summer institute for school teachers. This is a week long workshop
Dayton charter school (DECA) students visiting our lab
Prof. Nick Reeder (our collaborator from Sinclair Community College) demonstrating the Nanofab Simulator to high school teachers
Interactive cleanroom video demonstrations between University of Dayton and Sinclair Community College



A. Sarangan, J.W. Haus, S.M. Jain, J. Moradmand, and N. Reeder. “Collaborative classroom tools for nanotechnology process education”. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2013